The Beginning

One week ago, OLYMPIA officially launched as a watch company. Several months before that, however, our team was hard at work, designing this website, planning the expenditures for the coming months, and ultimately, deciding what kind of watch company we wanted to be. Today, we're more confident than ever that OLYMPIA will become a success. 

In our first week, we've built a small group of customers and created the framework for our advertising stream: much more than many companies do in their first month.

We launched with three collections:

  • The Bellevue — the versatile watch made for every occasion
  • The Claremont — the minimalist watch for the modern day 
  • The Milano — the dress watch inspired by Italian simplicity

However, this is just the beginning. Because of this first week, in fact, we've already begun planning a fourth collection that's radically different than any of the previous three. Our current lineup is filled with dress watches & casual watches... what will the fourth be?

Stay tuned. This is just the beginning.